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Glider Info

If you ever heard Larry speak or if you have perused any of the articles on this site, then you know that Larry had a life long love of gliders and built two of them himself. The first was built at his home in his back yard (at the time he was married to Kate and working on M*A*S*H) and the second was built at a warehouse-like space with then wife, Vana. Both women seemed to be supportive of his hobby.


Article on Larry building his glider at home with Kate


Article on Larry building his glider between jobs. The wife he mentions in the article is Vana.


Registration on Larry's Glider


A nice Chicago Tribune article


Drawing of Super Plank Glider - (Scroll down on page - Super Plank is the 2nd illustration.)


Photos of a Plank Glider (This is not Larry's glider, but very similar. These photos make it easier to visualize a tail-less glider. You can see that it would have been easy to build in pieces and assemble in a secondary location. Scroll down to the bottom of page for photos.)




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